Core Team

Jeff Butel
Head - Quality, Compliance, Policy and Procedures
Jeff Butel, responsible for a host of key areas such as quality, compliance, policy and procedures at Academy of Policy and Research (APR), has well over 35 years in higher education, including teaching, internal and external examining, programme administration, programme validation, institutional accreditation and management at a senior level.
He has undertaken a wide range of consultancy work, in the United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australasia, which includes qualitative and quantitative assessments of programmes and institutions, preparation for external validation and institutional accreditation, training and developing robust quality assurance systems and processes.
In doing so Jeff Butel has worked with institutions, governments and the United Nations. In particular, in helping institutions prepare for educational oversight, he can draw upon many years’ experience of working for QAA as a Review Coordinator and for BAC as a Reporting Inspector, involving a total of some 200 reviews/inspections.
During this long career in higher education sector Jeff Butel has worked as coordinator for UK’s education oversight body QAA (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) and reporting inspector for BAC (British Accreditation Council) by assisting them in their conduct of quality assessment reviews, developing reference points and guidance for providers and preparing comprehensive quality assurance scheme for independent further and higher education in the UK.