A world without innovation would be doomed

Leading Innovation And Change

This module aims to enable students to critically evaluate contemporary scenarios based on the core knowledge of theories and models related to leading innovation and change. From this synthesis, candidates will need to propose a self-determined model to drive innovation in a business organisation.


This programme is a unique offering for senior leaders.

It provides maximum personal and business benefits with a minimum and real-time investment. The programme enables one to reflect upon their contribution and role as leaders. This programme teaches how to develop a fresh perspective on perceiving an organisation as a whole. The programme brings a variety of thought to the concept of leading innovation and change. The candidates will be able to embed their learning and see immediate results.

Programme Structure

Challenge popular cultural notions of innovation to understand the language and types of innovation, and the principles of building innovation systems.

Explore organisational design and the structural and cultural elements of a business that allow it to innovate.


Explore models of innovation beyond popular notions of technological change and ‘disruption’.


Reflect on the ethics and governance considerations prompted by emerging technology.


Consider the corporate landscape of innovation, how platforms organise market competition and, in turn, shape the nature of innovation.


Consider your context and the future of innovation in light of what you have learnt in this programme.


Learning Outcome Leading Innovation and Change

Join Us

Start Date
October 2024

Study Mode

Leading Innovation and Change

Learning Time
1 Week


Start Date

Study Mode

Leading Innovation and Change

Learning Time
2 Months


Why Get Certified

Upon successful completion of the Mastering Leading Innovation and Change programme, you’ll earn a certificate of completion from the Westminster Central College.

Getting certified shows employers that you have a clear understanding of the core concepts of Leadership and Management. You can also add the qualification to your CV, and easily upload it to your LinkedIn profile.

Becoming certified shows you have strong leadership and management skills and that you’re motivated to learn: two essential qualities in the workplace. Demonstrating these qualities can help improve your chances of finding the job you want.

Improving your leadership and management skills can help you find a job, get promoted, or start a whole new career.

Student Support

We encourage you to make full use of all of the support services and facilities available to ensure you have the best possible experience during your time at the School.

Personal tutors can help you with a range of issues affecting your studies, as well as tell you about other University support available.

If you think your circumstances might affect your academic achievement, it’s a good idea to talk to your programme tutor about your situation. They can help you manage your workload and, if necessary, explain the rules about extenuating circumstances for assignments.

WCC offers additional specialist support for all students to develop skills that enhance your employability prospects and support your studies.

Our extensive careers service supports you throughout your time at School to ensure that when you complete the programme, you are well-prepared for the world of work.

The WCC Experience

Expert Trainers

Passionate specialists who keep up to date with the latest trends in their field.

Quality Delivery

Trainers have assessed annually on the quality of their delivery and delegate engagement.

Practical Training

Theory and practical based training to take back to the office which leads you more.

Small Class Sizes

No more than 15 people to ensure you get the most from our trainers.

Apply Now and Be the Change

Unlock your leadership potential and propel your career to new heights.
Please contact us on +44 20 8555 7585 or send us an email to Info@wcc.ac.com to discuss your requirements and obtain an application form.

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